ALM - Wohngebiet in Almere - Wettbewerb Europan 9

ALM - Wohngebiet in Almere - Wettbewerb Europan 9

The natural potential of the site is its rigid pattern of trees. The adjacency to the sea is disguised by the dike, acting as a new future boulevard, connecting the site to its environment. A new sustainable town, socially and naturally, shall be build at this prominent location. Retaining the dense woodland character and using the potential of the prominent open maritim ambiance is the aim of the concept. On a social level a sustainable urban neighbourhood consists of a mixture of young, old, rich and poor inhabitants. The urban concept should aim to initialise this mixture by providing space for every social level. On a commercial level, a mixture of uses should be aspired. A balanced relation between housing, commerce and public functions will act as a motor to the development and basis for the daily well-being of the site. „Between the lines" will use the rigid pattern of the trees to create an urban carpet as anchor for step by step organic develop-ment. The already existing structure of the woodland will be amplified by a structure of walkways merging the whole site to one unit and connecting the east of the site with the sea. Within this framework different districts are defined, allowing a maximum plot size, density, mix of use and hight of building. The position and size of the individual plot is free to choose, depending on the wishes of the private or public investors. The rules are projected on the districts as a whole. This means that the first developers will have the free choice to generate their project, whereas the potential for last plot in one district is restricted by the already deve-loped plots. As a starting point the whole woodland is seen as public space. As private developers start to buy plots, more or less scattered private islands are evolving: Islands of privacy in a sea of public forest.

COB - Kongresszentrum Coburg

COB - Kongresszentrum Coburg

SAA - Wettbewerb: Museum für Moderne Kunst, Saarbrücken

SAA - Wettbewerb: Museum für Moderne Kunst, Saarbrücken